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Ion Tomsa

During the first 5 months of 2008, we hosted Ioan Tomasa, a young man who came to the USA for dramatic plastic reconstructive facial surgery. Healing the Children of Connecticut arranged for his surgery by Dr. George Chatson at the Holy Family Hospital in Methuen, Mass. Nobody's Children provided his visa, housing, logistics, and emotional support in our family environment. We also provided for Dr. Cristina Patru to accompany him from Romania for medical translation and liaison during the acute phase. In May, Ioan returned to his village in Romania to start a normal life. Click to see news coverage of Ioan's story, Elaine's work, and an interview with slide show published March 23rd in the Lawrence Eagle Tribune. Click here to see December 2008 followup article about Ioan Tomsa's follow-up visit to the US and his surprise news.

First, believing in the power of music to harness attention and improve development, we have instituted introductory music and rhythm programs. In the Montessori School in Bucharest, Daniel Enasescu has brought keyboard and musical instruments to begin a program for those challenged children. And this Spring, Jon Yourtee delivered a shipment of rhythm instruments to an orphange in Quito, Ecuador, to help encourage the musical expression of those young orphans

Richard K. Root Plastic Surgery Library

Nobody's Children recognizes the important role plastic surgery can play in improving the lives of children suffering from burns, congential problems, and trauma. A logical extension of our mission has been the establishment of aPlastic Surgery Library at the University Hospital in Caracas, Venezuela. This library is named in memory of Dr. Richard K. Root, who was a major influence in our lives.

With the generous assistance of Dr. Mary McGrath from UCSF, this library is stocked with the key textbooks to allow training of a new generation of surgeons to help the less fortunate children of Venezuela.

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Lumi's story


  • Our program in Bosnia is managed by an international volunteer, with local personnel operating the dental program.

  • Dental care is provided in the Nobody's Children Arlinghaus dental center in Mostar, Bosnia

  • After we established the dental clinic, the provincial government has agreed to take over the clinic salaries.

  • Nobody's Children continues to provide equipment replacement and upgrades to maintain the clinic. 

  • Funded the startup of the Hasim Resic fitness center in Mostar, a free facility for refugees


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