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Bosnian Child Refugee Medical Evacuation Project


In 1995, after a trip to Bosnia with Dr. Anne Viele from the Mass General Children's Service, we arranged for visas and financed air transportation to bring 16 children from the Bosnian war zone for medical care here in the Boston area.


The group included translators and mothers as well as children, and our Bosnia Coordinator Moira Kelly. This marvelous crew was high spirited despite their illnesses and amputations, and brightened our community as they stayed in volunteer housing and were driven  to unnuerable medical appointments in Boston and in the burn center in Worcester. Elaine was able to negotiatiate with the hospitals and doctors to donate their time and supplies for the treatment of these children.


Ultimately surgeries were done, medicines prescribed, conditions diagnosed, and prostheses supplied and after about 6 weeks they returned to Bosnia.

Thanks to Mila Medic for letting us use her old photos here.

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